“Making it happen !” was the optimistic title of a conference at the Holiday Inn on 16th March.
“The Southampton Partnership” and “The Southampton Community and Voluntary Sector Network” (SCVSN) were terms new to me. They have their origin in the Government’s belief that better cooperation between the various sectors of the community such as local government, police, health service, commerce, voluntary sector etc. will improve the quality of life. This is to be achieved by the formation of a “Local Strategic Partnership”. In practical terms this means a committee on which these sectors are represented. The community and voluntary sector has 5 members. Our residents association comes into this category.
To supply these 5 members to the Partnership a further body called the SCVSN has been set up. Currently a ballot is being held for the 15 members of the SCVSN Coordinating Group. Our association has one vote and the HCERA Committee will decide for whom to vote.