Bassett Green Ethelburt Avenue (Bassett Green Estate) Conservation Area

Preparation of a Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan

Notes written by Alastair Drake

1. Purpose of Character Appraisal & Management Plan [CAMP]
- two parts of single document. Appraisal provides evidence of special features of CA which MP seeks to ‘manage’ change. 
- CAMP provides ‘authoritative guidelines’ for city planners & inspectors when they receive building applications.

2. How we went about task:
- set up working party that reflected range of opinion
- divided up certain tasks: e.g. historical aspects of appraisal, green spaces, digital record, detailed survey of houses. Individuals on WP worked these up with commentary from other members of WP
- regular consultation with Kevin who gave us every support

3. Appraisal
- appraisal: required some research
- Summary of Special Interest of CA: What makes this CA distinctive?
- Location and Setting of CA
- Historic Development & Archaeology to cover development of area: for period before Collins Development refer to Southampton City Historic Environment Record, maps, North Stoneham Estate? 
- Spatial Analysis: layout of roads, communal areas, green spaces
- analysis of Collins development: principles followed; stages in development of area since later 1920s until 1950s:
[see Brochure by R.S. Collins ‘Ideal Labour saving Houses: The Model Estate at Bassett’ (1934? 1938?).] 
- buildings of particular interest: locally listed buildings; styles of architecture, analysis of building materials, features (doors, windows, chimneys, porches, roofscapes, rainwater goods, fences, gates). Survey of houses to establish proportion with original features, digital photographic record of CA
- green spaces and biodiversity: tree types, gardens, wild life
- damage to CA; ‘neutral’ areas
- problems: 
- summary of issues and opportunities Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats [SWOT table]

4. Management Plan: more contentious. Here important to have range of views. Issues we considered important and which might also be relevant for Bassett Green included:
- redevelopment & extension of existing buildings
- infill development 
- building materials
- drive ways, hardstandings
- walls, fences & gates
- outbuildings
- windows (especially contentious because of double glazing)
- renewable energy (again contentious – but solar panels no longer require planning consent)
- roof lights
- porches & front doors
- chimneys
- satellite dishes & antennae
-rainwater goods (again contentious because original pipes cast iron: was ‘heritage’ guttering acceptable)
- trees

5. Enhancement Opportunities. 
- traffic management & parking. These fell outside remit of Management Plan but very strong feeling in community that these impacted so significantly that the issues should be expressed in document, albeit obliquely. 
- aspirations. Improvements to streetscape in CA 

6. Enforcement & Monitoring. 
- need to monitor how management plan is working.

7. Need to keep Residents informed and give opportunities for expression of critical/ sceptical comment. Crucial that MP is accepted by great majority. Kevin White came to all these meetings and explained at length and patiently planning issues

8. Benefits:
- proved helpful in determination of several planning applications in past months
- helpful in facilitating new parking regulations
- process reinforced sense of community.