by Alex Poore
The Association’s letter to residents of Ethelburt Avenue concerning a choice of options for improving the road surface coincided with one from the City Council’s Head of Legal Services quoting £841,000 to make up the road for adoption.
The replies received to our letter were overwhelmingly in favour of regraveling and not for a tarmac surface. As the road is in a terrible state, we think now is the time for action before another winter brings further deterioration.
A sub-committee consisting of Fiona and David Adams, Robert Kerr, Tim Fowler and myself was formed to obtain a specification for a long lasting repair of the surface. The City Council’s Roads and Development Engineering Manager visited the site and following his recommendations quotations have been obtained from contractors.
It is now our intention to hold a meeting at the Bassett Green Community Centre on Wednesday 26th July at 7.30pm for residents of Ethelburt Avenue to discuss all aspects of this important matter including the question of funding.
We urge all residents irrespective of whether or not they are members of the Residents’ Association to make every effort to attend.