by Gaye Dawkins
Mrs Knight, head teacher of St George’s School, Leaside Way, had many trees cut down in August 2000 by Community Services without the consent of the Council or consideration to local residents. This has been stopped and tree replanting should start at the end of this year.
These woodlands are of important amenity value to the residents of Leaside Way, Summerfield Gardens and Greenways; they provide a visual screen between the residential elements and the school. From 1st June 2001, the Southampton City Council made a Tree Preservation Order. This Order covers trees in the bluebell woods on the east and west sides of the school. These meet up with woodlands behind Greenways and with the Hardmoor Plantation, which already have a TPO on them. The Order has to be confirmed by the Council within the next 6 months before it can take effect formally.