Chairman Dr Ray George 75 Bassett Green Rd
Vice-Chairman Vacant
Secretary Mrs Nicky Evans 29 Leaside Way
Treasurer Mr Bryan Baldry 35 Leaside Way
Street Representatives
Bassett Green Rd: Mrs Ellen Horton 76 Bassett Green Rd
Ethelburt Ave: Mr Steven Mackenzie 96 Ethelburt Ave Mr Daniel Leech-Wilkinson 69 Ethelburt Ave
Field Close: Mr Jim Olding 6 Field Close
Leaside Way: Mrs Angela Gilbert 18 Leaside Way
Stoneham Lane: Mrs Claire Buckley 33 Stoneham Lane
Summerfield Gardens: Mrs Gaye Dawkins 3 Summerfield Gdns
Tree Planting Sub-Committee
Mr Robert Williams,74 Ethelburt Ave
Mr David Adams, 50 Ethelburt Ave
Ethelburt Avenue Repair Sub-Committee
Mr Robert Williams 74 Ethelburt Ave
Mr Steven Mackenzie
Mr Daniel Leech-Wilkinson
Non-Committee Representatives for Ethelburt Avenue
Mrs Una Chandler,19 Ethelburt Ave
Mr Peter Martin, 52 Ethelburt Avenue
We welcome the new members to the committee. As a token of our appreciation, we sent Rebecca O’Boyle some flowers. She tells us she is settling well into her new home in Kent.