by Godfrey Collyer
Following the recent HCERA AGM, the Ethelburt Avenue Repair Sub-Committee has the following members:
Mike Bull, 11 Ethelburt Avenue
John Caunt, 18 Ethelburt Avenue
Godfrey Collyer, 2 Ethelburt Ave (joint chair)
Chris Law, 9 Ethelburt Avenue (joint chair)
Steven Mackenzie, 96 Ethelburt Avenue
Rob Williams, 74 Ethelburt Avenue
At the first meeting, it was agreed that a long-term plan for both the improvement and maintenance of the road needed to be developed in consultation with the owners of the property on the Avenue.
During October, the sub-committee will write to all the residents in Ethelburt Avenue enclosing a questionnaire seeking their views with regard to the improvement and maintenance of the road. These replies, together with Local Authority, legal, and leasehold obligations will inform the development of a long term plan and its implementation.