The Road Improvement Group met recently to discuss and agree its priorities for the foreseeable future. The main priority will continue to be to keep the road surface in good repair but over the next few years, work will be done to improve the entrances and to surface dress the tarmac. The Group will also shortly be distributing draft plans to reinstate the verges and will be seeking views from Ethelburt Avenue residents on a number of suggestions raised at the public meeting held last November.
With the work we undertake, we refer back to the original drawings to ensure that we are complying with Herbert Collins’s design and we are helped with this by Robert Williams. In order to help us further, we would welcome scans of old photographs of Ethelburt Avenue. If you have any, then I am happy to scan them for you if you call in to see me at 2 Ethelburt Avenue.
As always, volunteers to help with the repair work are most welcome. For new residents, this is a great way to get to know your neighbours. The next planned activity is on Saturday 23rd September when it is hoped we will start work on reinstating some of the verges. If you would like to help, then please contact John Dixon on 80550064.
We shall have several items of planned expenditure over the next twelve months including purchase of top soil, turf, material for repairing the road, signage, plant hire etc. as well as the cost of surface dressing the tarmac. We have carried some monies over from last year but will need to collect the