Kevin White, the City Council’s Historic Environment Team Leader, spoke to the AGM about Conservation Area Appraisal. This will result in a new document “Character Appraisal and Management Plan” to replace the current “Design Guidance”. It will be used when determining planning applications and should make clearer to residents what is allowed. Kevin would like the Committee and local residents to be involved in producing this document. A focus group would redraft and update the Design Guidance and photograph architectural features to replace the current drawings to form the new document. It is felt that by being part of this process, residents will be able to have some influence over the document. This process has already been very successful with the Oakmount Triangle and Portswood Residents’ Gardens Conservation Areas. If you would like to join the focus group, please contact our secretary Debbie Smith or email. The Article 4 Direction would also be amended.
Robert Williams proposed that Summerfield Gardens be included in the Conservation Area and Kevin White said he was happy to look at this.