by John Green
Since the last Newsletter, directors have been meeting to draft a new policy for alterations to properties. While a new draft policy, and a flowchart showing the steps to take for applying for permission to make alterations, are almost complete, we cancelled the last directors’ meeting in December. Given the need to avoid unnecessary contacts before the Christmas break, we decided it was not essential. The next meeting to agree the final draft will now take place in the the new year, and depending on Government advice may have to be via video conferencing.
It has always been our intention to share the new policy with members at a meeting, so that we can get their feedback before final publication. The concern over the level of Covid infections makes the timing of this difficult, but we will still include this in our plans for the new year.
In the meantime, we are continuing to deal with applications for alterations on a case by case basis, using the existing policy as a guide.