The first Members Meeting of Herbert Collins Estates Ltd was held via Zoom on 10th May. An attendance of only 18 was very disappointing. The meeting was chaired by John Green. John Dixon presented the results of the questionnaire that was completed by residents. These results informed the draft new policy on alterations which Ray George presented. The Company could not simply adopt the majority view on everything as there were other considerations, in particular that “It is an object of the Company to exercise the rights and powers granted by ownership of the land in a manner that preserves or enhances the amenity of the area”. It was not the intention to have the meeting adopt or amend the draft but to take away what was said and work on a revised draft. John Green led a discussion on how members could help the Company. Volunteers are invited to email . For example, there is a need for a clerical assistant. A project which needs volunteers is an “Estate Survey” so we have a record of what is there now and is updated as changes are made.
The HCERA Committee has expressed dismay at the lack of interest reflected in the low attendance. They want to emphasise the consequences if the Company folded through lack of support and the Estate was taken over by a commercial company. These might include huge fees for consent for alterations, loss of control over the appearance of the Estate and who knows what else.