The Occupier
April, 1990
Dear Resident,
Many people have expressed interest in forming a Residents’ Association for the “Collins’ Estate” incorporating Ethelburt Avenue, Bramdean Road, Bassett Green Road, Leeside Way and Stoneham Lane. Recently Woodhill Properties Limited, the freeholder of many of “Collins”‘ houses, invited a number of residents to consider the matter.
As you are aware the Local Authority recently incorporated the estate within its conservation area and this indicates the architectural value of the houses. It was also proposed that an Article IV direction would be implemented but has been shelved by the Local Authority through lack of funds/staff.
A meeting will be held on :
MONDAY, 3Oth APRIL at 7.3Opm at the Methodist Church Burgess Road (upstairs at the rear of the Church).
All residents are invited to discuss whether or not a residents’ association should be formed and if so a committee will be proposed and elected.
I look forward to seeing you there.
Yours sincerely,