Because the first item on the agenda was the draft Appraisal and Management Plan, there was some confusion when Kevin White, the Council’s Historic Environment Team Leader, failed to turn up. He has since said that he got confused, but exactly what the confusion was is not clear. This disappointed some residents of Leaside Way who wanted to take him to task about steel windows.
The annual subscription remains at £4.
John Dixon reported on the Road Improvement Group. He said that the trial of using shingle for surfacing was proving successful. There had however been a complaint that this made a less suitable surface for cycles and motor bikes. So they were considering what to do before using more shingle. Dan Hopgood would be taking steps to get the potholes in the tarmac repaired.
Peggy Gow said that it was unreasonable for residents around the square in Bassett Green Road to be asked to pay for road repairs in one large sum. The meeting agreed that a scheme of annual payments, similar to that operating in Ethelburt Avenue should be investigated.