A letter from the secretary of the Bassett Green Leaseholders and Tenants Association to Herbert Collins, dated 28th February, 1951.
Dear Mr. Collins,
No’s. 97-111, Ethelburt Avenue.
At a Meeting of the Committee held yesterday, I was instructed to enquire what steps were being or had been taken to ensure that the layout of the front of the new houses would retain the uniform appearance which is a feature of the Estate, and which is controlled by the Leases of the existing houses.
The Association feel that uniformity of the frontages is essential, and that preferably the houses facing West at least should have open fronts with greens to match the houses on the other side.
I think you will appreciate that if some tenants had front hedges, while others had grass greens the effect would be very unsatisfactory and would depreciate the remaining property in the road.
Yours faithfully,
B.F.Tite, Hon. Secretary