by John Green
The aim of the Company is to manage the land in a manner that preserves or enhances the amenity of the Conservation Area. Living on the Estate is a privilege, but we should understand that this comes with conditions attached.
If you want to make changes to any property you have to work within the planning rules, but living in a Herbert Collins designed house brings its own unique set of conditions. The special architectural interest of the area led to it being declared a conservation area by Southampton City Council in 1988, and further protection was provided by the Secretary of State for the Environment in 1992, who confirmed a Direction under Article 4 of the General Development Order.
The Company are custodians of Herbert Collins’s vision for the Estate, so, in order to maintain the architectural character and value of the Estate any alteration or addition to a property must be notified to, and approved, by Herbert Collins Estates Limited before any work is started.
All requests for alterations are considered by the directors of the Company, and they will normally approve alterations that match the original building in scale, design and materials. However it is understood that modern materials may now be appropriate for soffits and rainwater goods, but where the change has more impact, for example roofs, care should be taken to avoid the property looking different from its immediate neighbours. Reclaimed tiles can be found for small repairs. For larger areas, for example removing all tiles to re-felt, an experienced roofer can carefully remove the old tiles and replace them when the felting is complete. If any new tiles are needed they should be fitted at the rear of the property. New tiles should be made of clay, and match the original. Modern concrete tiles will not be approved.
No consent is needed for like-for-like repair or redecoration, but there have been some recent examples of residents using a rather liberal interpretation of this when making alterations. The best course of action is to ask the Company before starting work if you are uncertain whether your plans fall into this category. It is useful to read the Appraisal and Management Plan for the Ethelburt Avenue (Bassett Green) Conservation Area, and the Policy of Herbert Collins Estates Limited.