The HCERA AGM was held on 17th October in the main hall of St George Catholic College. The meeting decided to keep the membership subscription to £5 and for Ethelburt Avenue, the repair contribution to £35 per year. Asked about repairing the tarmac at the Stoneham Lane end, Dan Hopgood said that the Road Improvement Group was reluctant to spend such a large proportion of their reserves on this. They needed to keep their reserves for an emergency, such as if the sewer collapsed.
In the absence of Uta Kohl, the Tree Group report was presented by Robert Williams. While the Group welcomed the donation of new trees, they had drawn up some rules. Anyone thinking of planting a tree in the communal area, should contact the Tree Group first. The meeting agreed that the proposal to establish a fund for tree work was unnecessary at this time, as the HCERA bank balance was sufficient.
The only item of any other business concerned the HCEL policy of not allowing solar panels anywhwere on the dwellinghouse. It was suggested this did not face up to the urgency of climate change. The Company has agreed to look at their policy again.