‘Noise Nuisance’ was the topic for the meeting of the Southampton Federation of Residents’ Associations on 11th June. Sonya Taggart, an Environmental Health Officer and Bob Morley, Southampton City’s Public Health Manager gave a presentation. Normal domestic and reasonable DIY noise is not a statutory noise nuisance. But depending on the time of day, how loud it is and how long it has been going on for, many sorts of noise can be a statutory nuisance: stereos, television, shouting, banging, unreasonable domestic noise etc. Following a complaint, a letter is sent to the alleged offender. The Out of Hours team visit the complainant when the noise is ongoing and if they establish that there is a nuisance, will serve a Noise Abatement Notice. A breach of the notice will lead to prosecution and, for persistent offenders, seizure of equipment. To complain about noise or other nuisances contact the Public Health Service on 023 8083 2531.