The Committee of the HCERA warmly welcome you to your new home and wish you a very happy time here.
You are no doubt aware that you are fortunate enough to live in a Conservation Area. This means that we are all subject to special requirements for planning permission which should prevent alterations which are out of keeping with the general style of the estate and which reduce its architectural value. The City Council has prepared an Appraisal and Management Plan for the Conservation Area, which was approved by Cabinet on 20th October 2015. This pack contains a copy and we suggest that you keep this information with your papers relating to the purchase and upkeep of your house, so that it can be passed on to the next owner when the time comes. We like to think ahead!
The Herbert Collins Estates Residents’ Association was established to advance and protect the interests of the residents and preserve the amenities of the district. We produce a quarterly Newsletter and our most recent issue is enclosed. Other activities of the Association include planting trees and bulbs on the open spaces, providing nameplates for the private roads, organising an annual street party and open gardens day. The addresses of our Website and email are shown at the bottom of the page. The Website has an excellent search engine which enables you to find items in previous newsletters, such as recommendations for contractors from the “Highly Recommended” section.
You are invited to join the Association. The annual subscription is £5. A list of committee members and Street Representatives appears on the back of this letter. Your Street Representative will be calling in the near future to make your acquaintance.
The Association through its Ethelburt Avenue Road Improvement Group organises repairs to Ethelburt Avenue and has a separate fund for this purpose. A contribution of £35 per year is sought from each household in the avenue. As its name implies, the Group is seeking to improve such things as street lighting and drainage and to find a long term solution to the constant need to fill in potholes.
You may like to borrow a copy of Robert Williams’s biography of Herbert Collins. This should be available from your Street Representative. Copies may also be purchased for £5 directly from Robert Williams and the proceeds go to the tree planting fund.